Stuck With a Bunch of Teenage Girls Funny

This post: 101 things teens can do when they're stuck at home.

Whether your teen is in full quarantine or practicing social distancing, chances are they're feeling the crunch as we all scramble to find new routines in our daily lives.

Even though most teens I know have a mature and realistic attitude about maintaining distance from friends, it's still hard as heck for them considering their always-on-the-go schedule with school, activities, and friends has abruptly come to a halt.

To make things easier for them, we reached out to every teenager we know (trust me, that's a lot of teenagers) and asked them for their absolute best "I'm stuck at home" remedies to beat the boredom blues. From clever games and virtual tours to online classes and silly "pass the time" ideas, we've rounded up 101 things teens can do when they're stuck at home. Seriously… this is not your ordinary list!

If your teen is battling boredom, pass along this jam-packed list of 101 things teens can do when they're stuck at home.

#1.  Bake an extreme cake. (Here's some cake-baking inspiration: 50 BEST cake recipes in the world).

#2.  Rearrange or redo your bedroom. (Looking for inspiration? Check out these ideas!)

#3.  Go on a mini online shopping spree. (Here are 14 websites you might love.)

#4. Hang out with your friends – virtually, that is. (Check out this post for super cool websites and apps.)

#5.  Make popcorn and watch all the Harry Potter movies.

#6.  Call a boy or girl you're crushing on and have a two-hour conversation about everything and anything.

#7.  Break out a 1000-piece puzzle and challenge yourself to finish it in one day.

#8.  Look ahead to summer and make an awesome summertime music playlist. (For the best beach music, check out this video.)

#9.  Conduct an experiment. (Here are a few experiments you might want to try!)

#10.  Freak your mom out and clean your room.

#11.  Learn how to braid your hair like a pro. (Here are 6 braids you can learn today.)

#12.  Call your grandma or grandpa and ask them all about their childhood.

#13.  Learn how to cook… well, anything! (Check out these easy recipes any teen can make.)

#14.  Try out a new beauty face mask for glowing skin. (Here are 5 easy DIY face masks you can make at home!)

#15.  Learn a foreign language. (Check out this site!)

#16.  Take lots of long, luxurious naps.

#17.  Take your dog on a walk.

#18.  Make a commitment to eat healthier. (Get a great jump on your day with these easy and healthy breakfast ideas.)

#19.  Get ready for Easter by painting your nails with crazy cute designs. (Here's a little inspiration!)

#20.  Make a movie or music video.

#21.   Up your skills in, well, just about anything, by taking an online course. (Check out Coursera for ideas – many courses are free!)

#22.  Learn to play poker (or any new card game). (Here's a video to get you started.)

#23.  Learn a new instrument online. (Check out this website for ideas!)

#24.  Start a journal about your life.

#25.  Make an epic homemade pizza. (Here are 20 pizza recipes to try!)

#26.  Check out all the online celebrity concerts. (Here are a few you might want to see.)

#27.  Sleep on your porch.

#28.  Pitch a tent in the backyard, camp out and make s'mores.

#29.  Sit in a hammock and read a great book.

#30.  Get up early, drink coffee and watch the sunrise with your friends via a group chat.

#31.  Make waffles. (Here's a recipe to try!)

#32.  See if you can go an entire day without complaining… about anything! (I know, it's really hard!)

#33.  Start a blog. (Here is what you need to know to get started.)

#34.  Watch all your favorite childhood Disney movies and see if you can remember the songs.

#35.  Spoil yourself with a mini spa day. (Visit this site for relaxing spa day ideas and recipes.)

#36.  Challenge yourself to learn one new word a day (you know, so you can dazzle your friends later).

#37.  Learn Yoga. (Here's a free e-course!)

#38.  Play frisbee in the backyard. (Think frisbees are boring? You won't after watching this video!)

#39.  Challenge yourself to accomplish one major goal.

#40.  Try a food you're afraid to try.

#41.  Get a group chat going with all your friends and pull an all-nighter (just for fun).

#42.  Make up a crazy new game with your little brother or sister (trust me, they'll love it).

#43.  Build a wild and crazy fort in your bedroom.

#44.  Break out the Legos and build something really epic.

#45.  Write a great resume. (Need help? Here are a few free templates with ideas.)

#46.  Create a super cool study area in your bedroom. (Need inspiration? Check out these awesome ideas!)

#47.  Go through your closet and clean out all the clothes you never wear.

#48.  Have fun creating outfits online with a site like Shoplook.

#49.  Teach your dog new tricks. (At least you won't need hand sanitizer for this.)

#50.  Pick one classic book and challenge yourself to read it from beginning to end.

#51.  Start a garden, plant some herbs or plant flower seedlings.

#52.  Watch 250+ free TV channels, and 1000s of on-demand TV shows and movies on Pluto.TV – it's totally free!

#53.  What soap operas just for the fun of it. (Careful… you might get hooked!)

#54.  Make some music with your friends on Soundtrap.

#55.  Start a new hobby. (For 69 awesome hobby ideas, check out this site.)

#56.  Make a colossal ice cream sundae. (Don't forget the cherry!)

#57.  Tackle one thing you've been putting off.

#58.  Doodle with your friends virtually on CoSketch.

#59.  Learn computer programming online. (Check out Codecademy!)

#60.  Make bath bombs and then take a long, relaxing bath. (For tips on how to make bath bombs, visit this site.)

#61.  Make a healthy smoothie. (Here are 25 best smoothie recipes to brighten your day.)

#62.  Start scrapbooking.

#63.  Pass the time by coloring in one of those cool "adultlike" coloring books.

#64.  Do a craft. (Here's a list of 39 crafts you might want to check out.)

#65.  Make some yummy appetizers and have an indoor picnic while you watch your all-time favorite funny movie.

#66.  Break out the board games (oh, I mean bored games).

#67.  Make a few bucks by asking your mom or dad to assign you a "job" around the house.

#68.  Learn a few important life skills like how to cook, fold laundry or change a tire. (You'll thank yourself later.)

#69.  Got a few bucks to spare? Why not learn the ins and outs of investing? (For tips, visit this site.)

#70.  Write a letter to your BFF telling her three things you love about your friendship.

#71.  Research colleges you might want to attend.

#72.  Study for the ACT or SAT. (Here are a few free practice tests.)

#73.  Crank up the music and have a dance contest with your family.

#74.  Build your math skills. (Check out this site!)

#75.  Try styling your hair a different way.

#76.  Make a super cool non-alcoholic drink. (Check out for fun ideas!)

#77.  Watch all the silly cartoons you loved as a child. (Did anyone say Scooby-Doo?)

#78.  Check in on a neighbor who may lonely or struggling.

#79.  It's almost strawberry season! Make a strawberry dessert to wow your family. (Here are a few to try!)

#80.  Practice flirting. (Need a few pointers? Check out these tips.)

#81.  Throw a birthday party for your dog. (Here is a "spoiled dog" birthday cake recipe they'll flip over!)

#82.  Create a LinkedIn profile. (Don't know how? Check out these 31 tips.)

#83.  Facetime your friends… for the 50th time.

#84.  Make a bucket list of all the adventures you want to take with your friends before you go to college.

#85.  Use Google Street View to tour another country.

#85.  Take a virtual tour of a museum. (Check out this site.)

#86.  Photoshop your photos using Pixlr.

#87.  Make your family a deluxe breakfast. (Here are 125 easy breakfast recipe ideas you can definitely pull off.)

#88.  Get a little silly and create memes. (Check out GATM Meme Generator on the App Store!)

#89.  Stressed out? Relax and unwind while taking an incredible virtual nature tour of Redwood Natural Park.

#90.  Tell your parents how much you love and appreciate them. (That'll really freak 'em out.)

#91.  Find out what cool things were happening the year you were born.

#92.  Make any photo a cartoon with

#93.  Kill a couple of hours by playing online games. (Here are the most popular online games right now.)

#94.  Listen to a cool podcast. (Here are a few to watch.)

#95.  Connect with a penpal on the other side of the world. (Check out PenpalWorld.)

#96.  Explore the world with your friends with GeoGuessr! This free cool online geography game drops users somewhere in the world and players are challenged to figure out where they are using landmarks.

#98.  Make a few bucks online taking surveys. (Here's a list of the best survey sites.)

#99.  Learn how to apply makeup like a pro. (This YouTube video offers great natural-looking makeup tips for teens!)

#100.  Learn killer magic tricks on GoodTricks.

#101.  Start a gratitude journal to stay positive. (Don't know what a gratitude journal is? Check out this site that offers insight along with ideas, templates, and apps for your gratitude diary.)

Do you have other ideas on things teens can do when they're stuck at home? Feel free to share them in our comments section!


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